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AKTUELLER AGIM-NEWSLETTER (Aktionsgruppe Indianer und Menschenrechte, München) bei den Downloads!

Externer Link wird in einem neuen Tab oder Fenster geöffnetLOBAUER ERKLÄRUNG - Ein Manifest gegen die Lobau-Autobahn in Wien und für verantwortungsvolle Klima- und Umweltpolitik - LINK

• Die großartige indigene Sängerin/Musikerin JOANNE SHENANDOAH (Oneida Nation, Irokesen) hat am 22.11.2021 nach schwerer Krankheit die Welten gewechselt. Downloads unten!

  Externer Link wird in einem neuen Tab oder Fenster geöffnetLINK ZU WIKIPEDIA - JOANNE SHENANDOAH mit Diskographie                          

Externer Link wird in einem neuen Tab oder Fenster geöffnetWHITE MESA URANIUM MILL in UTAH bedroht Indigene und deren Mitwelt (USA), Grand Canyon Trust (engl.) - LINK

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INDIGENOUS RESISTANCE AGAINST CARBON - Indigenous Environmental Network & Oilchange intl., August 2021.pdf 4.3MB
Indigene Freda Huson (CDN) - Alternativer Nobelpreis 2021.pdf 166.6KB
Freda Huson, Kampf gegen Pipelines, DER STANDARD 30.9.21.pdf 346.2KB
Bears Ears is restored! / White Mesa Uranium Mill, UTAH DINÉ BIKÉYAH Newsletter 10/21.pdf 2.2MB
Havasupai Tribe Opposes Uranium Mine Too Close to Grand Canyon, Grand Canyon Trust 28.10. 2021.pdf 1.3MB
Kanadische Polizei löst gewaltsam indigene Blockade gegen Trans Canada's Coastal GasLink Pipeline auf indigenem Land auf, Lakota People's Law Project 23.11.21.pdf 1.9MB
JOANNE SHENANDOAH, the Most Honored and Celebrated Native American Female Musician, Dies on Monday, 22. November 2021; Native News Online 24.11.21.pdf 114.8KB
Joanne Shenandoah - Weltenwechsel am 22.11.2021; deutsche Version.pdf 53.0KB
DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY - Nicht katholisch CNA 30.3.23.pdf 66.3KB
Vatikan - „Doktrin der Entdeckung“- Sie waren Kinder ihrer Zeit 1.4.23.pdf 72.5KB
The Vatican repudiates 'Doctrine of Discovery' NNOnline, NPR, aljazeera, AP, PBS 30.3.23.pdf 268.9KB
Indigenous leaders hope Vatican's repudiation of oppressive colonial concepts leads to real change AP 30.3.23.pdf 331.8KB
WINONA LADUKE Steps Down as Leader of Honor the Earth After Sexual-Harassment Lawsuit 5.4.23.pdf 77.4KB
AGIM Newsletter Juni 2023.pdf 89.9KB
AGIM Pressemitteilung Internationaler Tag der indigenen Völker 2023.pdf 155.0KB
AGIM Newsletter 7/2023.pdf 108.6KB
Navjo/Uranabbau: What Oppenheimer Should Teach Us about the Importance of Teaching History.pdf 131.5KB
Arizona’s water regime limits the Hopi Tribe’s future 7.7.23 HCN.pdf 99.7KB
Water Rights in AZ of indigenous Nations 8/2023.jpg 358.1KB
Grand Canyon National Monument am 8.8.2023 durch US-Präs. Biden ernannt Grand Canyon Trust, 8.8.23 (engl).pdf 108.3KB
Map of-Baaj-Nwaavjo-Itah-Kukveni-Grand-Canyon-Monument.jpg 1.1MB
US-President Biden Designates New National Monument Near Grand Canyon, Sierra 8.8.23.pdf 76.1KB
Grand Canyon monument won’t end fight over uranium mining, Greenwire 7.8.23.pdf 74.0KB
Robbie Robertson, of The Band, and Mohawk and Cayuga descent, Dies at 80, NNO 9.8.2023.pdf 344.6KB
AGIM NEWSLETTER 8/2023.pdf 84.8KB
AGIM NEWSLETTER 9/023.pdf 103.1KB
After "Killers of the Flower Moon," There Are Many More Indigenous Stories to Be Told, NNO 9.8.23.pdf 76.5KB
First Peoples in den USA, Film "Killers of the Flower Moon", Falter 42/2023.pdf 180.6KB
AGIM Newsletter 11/2023.pdf 84.0KB
Navajo President Buu Nygren on Objections to Sending Human Remains to the Moon NNO, 14.1.2024.pdf 68.6KB
Navajo & other tribes in the USA Get Water Rights Settlement, NNO 30.10.23.pdf 75.7KB
AGIM NEWSLETTER 1/2024.pdf 110.3KB
From Water to Uranium, the US Government Continues to Fail the Navajo Nation, NNO 2.2.24.pdf 591.7KB
US Presidents in Their Own Words Concerning American Indians, NNO 18.2.24.pdf 144.1KB
Is uranium poised for a renaissance? LL/HCN 25.1.24.pdf 1.9MB
Mother Earth is suffering, NNO 21.4.24.pdf 145.6KB
AGIM Newsletter 6/2024.pdf 101.3KB
AGIM Newsletter 8/2024.pdf 215.6KB
Navajo Nation Asks Biden to Stop Uranium Transport from Grand Canyon Mine, GCT 15.5.24.pdf 349.0KB
Flooding at Uranium Mine Near Grand Canyon Tops 66 Million Gallons, GCT 1.7.24.pdf 2.8MB
Navajo Leaders against Uranum Mining, NNO 2.8.24.pdf 307.8KB
Attorney General Urges Review of Grand Canyon Uranium Mine, GCT 21.8.24.pdf 683.4KB
KINOFILM „Petra Kelly – Act Now! ab 12.9.24 in den Kinos.pdf 71.8KB